
The RelPro Platform is hosted on Amazon Web Services (“AWS”) and MongoDB within a secure Virtual Private Cloud (“VPC”). Data and services are deployed across multiple availability zones to provide redundancy and fail-over capacity.

Data within the RelPro Platform is spread across a series of databases dealing with different sets of functionality. All customer information held within the RelPro Platform is stored within a database which has strict logical controls in place to prevent any of RelPro’s other customers from being able to access other customer’s data. Customers can only gain access to this database by one of RelPro‘s User Interfaces. In all instances, a user must have been authenticated and authorized to access this information. Only authorised RelPro Personnel have access to the database either from a dedicated Database Administration function to maintain the database or via the Administration Console to maintain users at the request of customers. No third party is ever permitted access to the RelPro Administration functions, and access within the RelPro organization is severely limited.